February Peemail


Howdy Packsters!

Izzy here, checking in to make sure everyone survived the icy hug of Snowzilla last week.
I’ve really been able to practice my digging and had a blast, even though I smell like a, well, wet dog. There are a few pictures of the pack hamming it up in the snow posted on our Facebook page. You should check them out when you have the time (and please “like” us if you haven’t done so already).
​Remember my New Year’s resolutions that my human made me think up? I’ve pretty much broken all of them but the playing every day one. That’s why there’s 365 days in a year, right? Wait…isn’t it there a leap year in 2016? Well, I better get back to leaping and move this along.

February Scheduling & News

As per usual, please send my two-legged friends at DogMa your February daycare & boarding schedule needs.

And, thank you for letting the two-leggeds at DogMa know that your pooches could not make it in last week despite best efforts of doggy-car-dig-out-assist and various creative dog-sled/snow-shoe options. It’s really helpful to make sure we have the right amount of staff on hand, especially when inclimate weather makes it difficult to travel.

Dogma’s two-leggeds are like the postman…well, anyway they get here to look after your dogs no matter what the weather, although I do not feel a reflexive need bark at them. Throughout these snowy days, they have been here in numbers during the day and one with the boarders overnight. So, if you can make it in safely, they’ll be there for you and ready to play with your pup.

As always, thank you for allowing us all to love on your dogs.
Smell you later,
Izzy pawprint
PS.​ Still no new news for Dogma packsters re. the CSX project. It has been quite quiet the last couple of days, except for the snow blowers making room for the equipment that makes every dig-loving-dog super envious.