Hello Beautiful Packsters!
Happy Spring
Do you smell that? My sniffer is working overtime. Spring is in the air! Daily pool time is just around the corner. It’s like clock work every spring – the shedding of winter coats of both the furry and velcro-on types – always causes the filling of the swimming pools to slowly become a daily thing. Thanks to this reliable shedding-swimming theorem, soon splashing and pool-short-stop ball retrieving games will start anew.April Daycare & Boarding SchedulesPlease send my human friends at DogMa your scheduling needs for daycare and boarding for April. Knowing in advance how many of my friends plan to visit each day allows the two-leggeds to make sure there is enough staff pre-planned to be here to make sure we are safe and have fun. That said, I know sometimes you just want to bring my friends over at the spur of the moment. You are welcome any time, but if we are full, you might not be able to squeeze in during these busier months ahead. But, starting May 1st, it will be a little more expensive to wing it…
Right now, the daycare rate is $36.00 a day. And that is what it will stay for anyone who let’s my two-legged buddies know your schedule in advance. Even better – if you book 12 or more days in a month, you start racking up some serious discounts. But effective May 1st, all walk-in daycare or daycare booked after the 8th of the month will be at a $40 per day rate.
If you book your dates in advance, not only do the rates stay the same AND you let our hard-working two-legged pals know how to prepare the work week for your pet’s safety and fun, BUT it guarantees you space at the best outdoor (and indoor) daycare in town! If it’s hard for you to make a schedule, not to worry – my two legged friends are very flexible moving around or canceling your scheduled dates at your request. But if they have an overview of the month’s expected staffing needs, they can set staff schedules and avoid having to try to round up extra staff on short notice to make sure we all are safe and have fun when we get a puppy-flood.
So, don’t be shy, send an e-mail to my friends at DogMa and they can help you plan out your monthly daycare schedule that best suits your needs and your fuzzy pal’s needs. Or, if you’re like me, have someone translate for you – do you know how hard it is to type with fuzzy black paws?! (Though what is my mom’s excuse for all those typos?)
Important Gate Etiquette ReminderFor your dogs’ safety, and for all of their friends – which are my friends too – please close and latch every door/gate behind you when you enter and exit the facility. This ensures that no dog is able to slip past you and get out of the facility in a dangerous attempt to search for an early nap at home. My human friends also now want all clients to always wait behind the last gate until an attendant gives you direction from there. This is for the safety and happiness of the pack and for you. While all of my dog pals love it here and no one gets to play at Dog-ma unless they are a friendly packster, not every one of my furry friends is comfortable with human strangers. Or perhaps is too friendly with muddy paws on your suit or unclipped nails on your silk dress or clodhopper feet on your open-toed shoes. If you do not wait behind the last gate entering into the patio area in front of the office, an attendant will have to remind you. Please don’t take it the wrong way. We will only release your dog when all areas are safe. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation on this. Together, we make DogMa the safest place for you dogs.
That’s it for now – wipe your paws after digging those holes for Spring cleaning!Smell you later,Izzy